Tag Archives: white trash wednesdays

WTW – Fun With Leftover Halloween Candy {guest blogger- amy}

Hi guys! Katie here. I’m taking a mental holiday today (for no real reason) so I’ve asked the incredibly brilliantly humorously talented Amy from Fix It Or Deal to help fill in for today’s White Trash Wednesday installment. And in typical Amy fashion, she has brought her A-Game. And instead of taking up anymore time, I’m going to let Amy get right to it….

I did not have any trick or treaters visit my house this Halloween. I expected as much because there are not many young children in my neighborhood and the few that there are get chauffeured to nicer, more brightly lit neighborhoods for candy. Even though I knew that I probably wouldn’t have any goblins begging at my door, I still bought enough candy to choke a zombie. Why? I don’t know. Call me an optimist. My candy cauldron is always half full.

Now, there is the pressing issue of what to do with all the leftovers. Well, I filled a gallon size freezer bag and left it in the break room at my office with a sign stating, “My chronic over-preparedness is now supplying your 3 o’clock sugar fix.” That put a large dent in my candy stockpile, but it did not exhaust it.
Then, one evening while enjoying a glass of red wine in front of the television, inspiration struck. The following drink recipes are the results of my little brainstorm.


1 small orange Pixy Stix
1 glass red wine
Mix together in glass or just chase a mouthful of candy with a swig of wine.

Mulled Wine

1 small orange Pixy Stix
1 glass red wine
1 Atomic Fireball
Mix together and zap in the microwave for one to two minutes. Stir and enjoy!

Chocolate Martini

1 fun size Milky Way, chopped
2 oz vodka
Combine in a blender and liquefy on high for one minute. Don’t bother looking for your martini glasses. Who are you trying to impress? Just drink it straight from the blender pitcher you prima donna.

Chocolate Covered PB&J

two Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, chopped
two small grape Pixy Stix
4 oz vodka (or more for courage)
Combine in a blender and liquefy on high for one minute. Drink straight from blender pitcher while contemplating exactly how your life went horribly, spectacularly wrong. Seriously. And call your mom, she’s worried sick about you.  


 Reason #412 why I love Amy. Thanks sweets for what might rank as the best WTW post to ever grace this little blog.

For those of you who are new to Amy, why don’t you head on over to her little corner of the internet at Fix It Or Deal. Trust me, you may never want to leave.



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WTW – burger ‘n fries pot pie

So I have to apologize. I’ve kind of fallen off the face of the Earth. Between work, life, the sun setting far earlier, and my latest project, my attention and love and caring for yawyeor has kind of well, gotten lost in the mix. I’m hoping to step my game up again soon, but in the meantime, I will never leave you in a lurch when it comes to our dear sweet White Trash Wednesday.

Luckily for me, Beth from Happy Life Happy Wife sent me this pretty freaking spectacular White Trash recipe. Let’s just say it’s a spin on the old classic burger and fries meal you’d pick up at your local burger joint. And as much as you’re picturing it look like this, I assure you, it won’t. Because this is classy.
yeah! burger

And this…

is not.

Burger ‘n Fries Pot Pie

1 1/2lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef
1 large onion, chopped (about 1 cup)
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes, undrained
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese (4 oz)
2 cups frozen crispy French-fried potatoes (from 20-oz bag)

1. Heat oven to 450°F. In 12-inch nonstick skillet, cook beef and onion over medium-high heat about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until beef is thoroughly cooked; drain well. Sprinkle flour over beef mixture. Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Stir in tomatoes; heat to boiling. Remove from heat.
2. In ungreased 1 1/2-quart casserole, spread beef mixture. Sprinkle with cheese. Arrange frozen potatoes evenly in single layer on top.
3. Bake uncovered about 20 minutes or until potatoes are golden brown. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Original recipe can be found here.

(Big thanks to Beth for this oh so white trashy find!)


Filed under kmslat

A White Trash Wednesday Miracle

I made you a promise and I actually kept it.  And in a (semi) timely manner no less. It’s shocking really because I’m one of those people who has all of these grandiose plans…made with the sincerest of intentions. Then life gets in the way. Really, it does. Between that 9-5 gig that pays for the roof over my head and the clothes on my back, the weekends away, the long commutes, the early morning workouts (say what?), the tv watching, and that side gig I’ve got going now, following through with certain commitments tends to fall by the wayside sometimes.

But I said I would make this meal and that’s exactly what I did.

And I’m thrilled I did for two reasons:
1. it was goooood.
2. it means I am, deep down, a little white trash.

And I’m okay with that.
Because deep down, I think that’s why you like me.

If you’re wondering what all of this nattering is about….it’s about the first official White Trash Wednesday poll.
It’s about the Tater Tot Casserole.

If you’re game and need a white trashy recipe to test out, by all means try this one.  But I do have a few thoughts. Mind if I share? Good. Thanks for playing along.
The recipe calls for cream of mushroom soup to be mixed with the ground beef. If you’re not one for the soup taste (my husband loathes the stuff), I say go for sour cream instead and while you’re at it, toss in a Lipton Onion soup mix for good measure.

I’m pretty sure I may go that route the next time I make the stuff.
And there will be a next time.


Filed under kmslat

WTW – Results are in.

Well kids, the polling has ended and you guys have spoken.

Tater Tot Casserole – 43%
Mountain Dew Apple Cobbler – 37%
Corn Dog Casserole – 20%

It looks like I’ll be making a fine casserole of the Tater Tots.
Let’s just hope I live to talk about it.


I just want to give a personal thank you to those of you who did not vote for the corn dog casserole.  You love me.  You really love me!


Filed under kmslat

WTW – Dipsticks, Snack of the Month

Not sure if I’ve mentioned, but I love getting emails from you guys. Love, love, love it. And what I really love is when you send me white trash recipes. It makes my heart all a-flutter. You know why? Because all I have to do is sit back and pretty much do absolutely nothing.

Kidding, kidding.
The other day Becki D. of Becki Bakes sent me her second White Trash Recipe recommendation.  The first one was the ever so tasty black ‘n blue pancakes. And this one, is more of a snack.  And she’s aptly named this snack, Dipsticks.

I discovered the perfect snack this afternoon while ransacking my pantry.
Anyhow, this most perfect WTW gem goes like this:
-Grab your jumbo-sized barrel of Pretzel Rods from Sam’s Club (because who doesn’t need a year’s supply of pretzel rods?)
-Grab your obligatory Foodie Approved jar of Nutella
-Dip pretzel and repeat as many times as needed to ward off the Crazies.
Not only does this recipe require 0 utensils or preparation of any sort, if you close your eyes you can almost pretend you’re chowing down Ferrero Rocher Fine Hazelnut Chocolates instead of pretzel sticks.

Sweet, salty, simple.

You’re welcome, ladies!

YAWYEOR note: These are awesome. I kid you not. I only had the honey wheat pretzel rods on hand, but went for it anyway and oh my goodness I thought I’d died and gone to chocolatey salty heaven.

Thanks Becki D. for introducing this treat to my world. From now on I will always have pretzel rods and Nutella stocked in my pantry.

*If you have a WTW recipe you’d love to share, email me at kmslat@yahoo.com. And just be prepared for me to include your entire email in the upcoming blog post*


Filed under kmslat, sweet nothings

White Trash Wednesday – Oreo Truffles

Sometimes, no matter how white trashy, a recipe just sounds tasty. And this one, well, it sounds tasty. I admit it. I’m secure enough in my Alabama heritage to admit that I don’t exactly have a refined palate.

So when a recipe is called “Oreo Truffle”, you can bet your sweet hiney I’m gonna be a fan.


You’ll need:
1 Package crushed Oreo’s
8 oz cream cheese, softened
Chocolate (of any variety: milke chocolate, semi-sweet, white…)
Powdered Sugar

To make:
1. Mix crushed Oreo’s and cream cheese until blended
2. Refrigerate mixture for 2-3 hours
3. Meawhile, melt chocolate over low heat in a saucepan, stirring frequently
4. Shape into balls and quickly dip into the melted chocolate
5. Dip into sugar, top it off with crushed Oreo’s, drizzle with chocolate.
6. Freeze for 10-15 minutes until chocolate has set.


Recipe adapted from Suzie’s Recipe Box.


Filed under kmslat, sweet nothings

…white trash wednesday…


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I may have forgotten to mention that the White Trash poll voting ends on 10/22.

Weird, right?  Well, I gave the whole thing a month. Figured, by that time, I would be…

A) mentally prepared to make a corndog casserole (if ultimately that was decided)
B) most likely be back in town for a few consecutive weekends to be able to put said white trash dish together.

So. For those of you who have voted, thank you!
If you haven’t yet, not to worry, you still have time.

Have a great Friday everybody!
Is it 5 oclock yet?


Filed under kmslat

White Trash Puff Balls

With the help of a little search engine called Google, I have found yet another tasty white trash treat.
And this time, I actually made it.

That’s right. Hell froze over because I gutsied up and made a White Trash recipe.

What’s scarier…I actually enjoyed this one. No, really. I ate two of them. Two puff balls.
(Insert jokes here.)

Dec 30, 2008 003

Puff Balls
1 -8oz package sliced pepperoni
1- 8oz container cream cheese, softened
1- 10 package refrigerated Crescent Rolls

To make:
Dice pepperoni into smaller pieces.
Add pepperoni pieces to cream cheese, stirring until blended together well.
Roll out crescent rolls into triangles.
Slice each crescent roll into three smaller triangles.
Add a spoonful of cream cheese/pepperoni mixture to center of each triangle.
Pinch up each point of triangle around the filling.
Place dough balls onto cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 11-13 minutes (following crescent roll directions).

{Print it out here.}

Welcome to the white trash club.
Oh yeah, have a seat and enjoy.


Filed under kmslat

White Trash Wednesday Poll

A couple of people have made mention (ahem, you know who you are) that I don’t always make the recipes I post on White Trash Wednesday. Well, the obvious reason is that most of them are gross. Funny, but gross. The other reason is that there just aren’t enough stinking hours in the day. So I’ve gotten a bit lazy. Well, since I’m admitting to my laziness, I’m going to take it a step further and make you decide which White Trash Recipe I should make next.

And remember, I plan on doing this again….so be gentle.


Filed under kmslat