Tag Archives: appetizers

WTW – Dipsticks, Snack of the Month

Not sure if I’ve mentioned, but I love getting emails from you guys. Love, love, love it. And what I really love is when you send me white trash recipes. It makes my heart all a-flutter. You know why? Because all I have to do is sit back and pretty much do absolutely nothing.

Kidding, kidding.
The other day Becki D. of Becki Bakes sent me her second White Trash Recipe recommendation.  The first one was the ever so tasty black ‘n blue pancakes. And this one, is more of a snack.  And she’s aptly named this snack, Dipsticks.

I discovered the perfect snack this afternoon while ransacking my pantry.
Anyhow, this most perfect WTW gem goes like this:
-Grab your jumbo-sized barrel of Pretzel Rods from Sam’s Club (because who doesn’t need a year’s supply of pretzel rods?)
-Grab your obligatory Foodie Approved jar of Nutella
-Dip pretzel and repeat as many times as needed to ward off the Crazies.
Not only does this recipe require 0 utensils or preparation of any sort, if you close your eyes you can almost pretend you’re chowing down Ferrero Rocher Fine Hazelnut Chocolates instead of pretzel sticks.

Sweet, salty, simple.

You’re welcome, ladies!

YAWYEOR note: These are awesome. I kid you not. I only had the honey wheat pretzel rods on hand, but went for it anyway and oh my goodness I thought I’d died and gone to chocolatey salty heaven.

Thanks Becki D. for introducing this treat to my world. From now on I will always have pretzel rods and Nutella stocked in my pantry.

*If you have a WTW recipe you’d love to share, email me at kmslat@yahoo.com. And just be prepared for me to include your entire email in the upcoming blog post*


Filed under kmslat, sweet nothings

White Trash Puff Balls

With the help of a little search engine called Google, I have found yet another tasty white trash treat.
And this time, I actually made it.

That’s right. Hell froze over because I gutsied up and made a White Trash recipe.

What’s scarier…I actually enjoyed this one. No, really. I ate two of them. Two puff balls.
(Insert jokes here.)

Dec 30, 2008 003

Puff Balls
1 -8oz package sliced pepperoni
1- 8oz container cream cheese, softened
1- 10 package refrigerated Crescent Rolls

To make:
Dice pepperoni into smaller pieces.
Add pepperoni pieces to cream cheese, stirring until blended together well.
Roll out crescent rolls into triangles.
Slice each crescent roll into three smaller triangles.
Add a spoonful of cream cheese/pepperoni mixture to center of each triangle.
Pinch up each point of triangle around the filling.
Place dough balls onto cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 11-13 minutes (following crescent roll directions).

{Print it out here.}

Welcome to the white trash club.
Oh yeah, have a seat and enjoy.


Filed under kmslat

White Trash Wednesday! Bacon Pimiento Cheese

bacon pimiento cheese

My afternoon with Chef Natalie was full of learning, photos, and food, both healthy and white trashy. In addition to the mango-pineapple smoothies, Natalie stepped it up a notch by making bacon pimiento cheese. I’m not sure if you’re aware, and I know Chef Natalie had no clue, but pimiento cheese is nothing short of heaven for me.

For real.

Growing up I thought it was the food of the devil. I mean, the name itself…pimiento…was utterly repulsive. Little did I know it was nothing more than sharp cheddar, pimientos, and mayo. Now that I’m older and wiser, I know the truth.

But Natalie took it one step further. Instead of making the conventional version, she added bacon. And for this, she is officially my new best friend. And although technically pimiento cheese is a tad bit white trash, this recipe is nothing short of a mouthwatering treat.



bacon pimiento cheese

Bacon Pimiento Cheese
roasted peppers
cholula hot sauce
sharp cheddar, shredded
diced chives
salt and pepper to taste

Mix peppers, cholula, cheddar, mayo, salt and pepper well.
Top with crumbled bacon bits and chives.

Serve on garlic bread.

And if I were you, I wouldn’t reserve this recipe solely for your white trash enjoyment, I’d make it for your next tailgating adventure too.

Just sayin’.


Filed under kmslat

Chef Natalie

This whole blogging adventure has opened up a new world to me and in turn has introduced me to some pretty incredible people. One of those people is Chef Natalie, a personal chef here in Atlanta. We met a few months ago at a blogging workshop (don’t judge) and I knew immediately that Natalie could teach me – a lot. Sitting down with her yesterday, she taught me in a matter of minutes how to roast a pepper and garlic. (Disclaimer: I’m a moron in the kitchen.)


Aside from being incredibly sweet and down to earth, Chef Natalie has quite a passion for food. And not just any food, well thought out meals and locally grown food. She supports several local CSA programs including Taylorganic Farm, Serenbe, and Riverview Farm. (If you live in Atlanta, you can find several of these guys around town at local farmer’s markets.)

My favorite story Natalie tells is that while she was studying Art History in Paris, she began leading tours of her fellow students to Le Cordon Bleu. Guess you could say she was destined to be a chef. She ended up attending the International Culinary School at the Art Institute of Atlanta. And now, she runs her own company, Food Optimist.

Much like my friend Chris, the pastry chef, Natalie is doing exactly what she loves. And not only is she preparing really wonderful food, she’s teaching people like me how to eat well in the process.

Thanks Chef Natalie!


Filed under kmslat

White Trash Wednesday! Cream Cheesey Goodness

Today’s recipe comes to us courtesy of Emily from My Pajama Days.
While this recipe doesn’t have an official name, (you guys can figure that part out for me), it does seem incredibly tasty. And I fully admit that I will be making this recipe soon.

Cream Cheesey Goodness
1 softened 8 oz block of cream cheese
1 small jar of marshmallow fluff

Simply cream the two together with a hand mixer until whipped. Chill for a couple of hours then serve with fresh cut fruit. You can also add a drizzle of chocolate syrup while you are mixing if you want chocolate dip.

I’ve been making this for years and am amazed how many people are surprised how simple it is. Enjoy!


I don’t know about you guys, but anything that calls for marshmallow fluff is going to be an instant hit with me. And since I actually attempted to run last night, maybe now I won’t feel so guilty about shoveling tasty goodness like this into my mouth.

Thanks to Emily for sending this fantastic recipe my way.

*If you have a recipe you would love to have featured on White Trash Wednesday, shoot me an email at kmslat@yahoo.com.

Happy Wednesday!


Filed under kmslat, sweet nothings