kitchen accessories

So, I have a confession.
I love kitchen accessories. I do. Shoot me.
Luckily, I’m not one of those hoarder types. I can stop myself from buying useless crap for my kitchen.
Okay, so not always. I did buy a tiny ladle once. Couldn’t even tell you why. It was cute I guess. And I was in Charleston. And you’re supposed to buy things when you’re on vacation.

So anyway, I like cool little kitchen accessories. I love plates, and glasses, and dish towels, and aprons, and mugs. God do I love coffee mugs. If I had the room, I’d buy up every pretty little one my grubby fingers touched. I’d even have my mom make a few for me (she’s really into that All Fired Up! pottery painting stuff).

It should come as no surprise that when I came across this website last night, I knew, the moment I saw it, that I had to have it.

Are you kidding me?
I’d use this mug until it (or I) died. Because this mug is not only humorous, it’s honest.
Brutally honest.

But it doesn’t stop there…because the website told me if I liked that mug, then I would also like these plates.

And you know what?
I do.
I really, really do.

And if you’re wondering what that last plate has written all over it…
“It’s hard to be around you when you eat like this. Please stop eating, we’re worried about you. For the love of God stop eating. Do you really need that second helping?”

You can go ahead and mark those off your Christmas shopping list.
You’re welcome.


Filed under kmslat

21 responses to “kitchen accessories

  1. Love the last plates wording…… great finds.

  2. Dionne Baldwin

    These are amazing. Now I just need to get my brothers name…he would LOVE this mug (it’s brutally honest just like him!) and he’s always trying to eat better. These are so perfect. Thanks for sharing and I’m getting these…

    • Dionne Baldwin

      And by the way, I forgot to add that you’re into food so what’s wrong with buying some kitchen accessories?? 🙂 Buy away! And then we can justify each others purchases! Haha!

  3. The mug is awesome. You don’t even have to speak – you just point. Smart.

  4. I need to buy all of those also! Although I don’t even have enough room in my kitchen for the crap I already have. I have a ton of gadgets that I don’t really use. But I might some day!

  5. Amy

    Hi-larious! Love it! Heading over to that website now . . .

  6. Oh man. I would cry daily over that plate. I can’t handle the truth!!!

  7. hahaha!!! those are funny! …I agree. for awhile there I actually had to reorganize my kitchen accessories every week! I finally got too busy to go shopping lol but soon, there will be more free time & end of summer sales!!!

  8. Pingback: kitchen accessories « you are what you eat…or reheat | WetSalad --- Why have the normal?

  9. rhooby

    accessories are fabulous! you can’t have too many and you’ll use that tiny ladle someday and be thankful you had it!

  10. LOL! You quack me up. I love these, it never occurred to me to be bluntly inappropriate with my dinnerware. I can be mean and never utter a word. That’s real classy.

    How in the world do you find this stuff?

    • honestly? through bakerella’s website. she was giving away this adorable blue cakestand, which of course, i didn’t win. it lead me to the website. isn’t it fantastic??
      i’m totally buying that mug. because i’m just that mean.

  11. Pingback: Let’s Hear It From the Peanut Gallery!

  12. Snarky kitchen accessories? Sign me up! I love it.

  13. ahhahaha. I love that mug!

  14. So I ordered the mug for a gift. I emailed Fishs to find out what other words of encouragement were stamped on the mug. They take this obnoxious honesty seriously. I didn’t get an answer… I have a new hero.

  15. Laurie Rivers

    While men have been warned for decades not to give us ladies “kitchen stuff” for gifts, at Christmas I absolutely look forward to a few fun kitchen gadgets in my stocking. My husband has the most fun finding cool things. With the internet, it’s even easier for him. I mentioned to him because of the neat kitchen accessories they offer at definitely stocking stuffer prices. Hooray! I saw him looking at the site yesterday!!

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