
cpk, originally uploaded by kmslat.

I want to thank California Pizza Kitchen for providing me with one fabulously fresh meal and another completely reheated meal.004


Filed under kmslat

6 responses to “cpk

  1. xtinamac

    yum… Amy & I had a chicken, pesto, and pine nut pizza there a few weeks ago. It was to die for…maybe I will try to recreate it some time.

  2. kmslat

    I would love that! Ash teases me because I’m the only person who gets the pizzas you can get anywhere. Yeap, last night was “The Works”…pepperoni, mushrooms, bell peppers, sausage. I know, I know. I’m lame.

  3. rhooby

    hello. my name is ashley and i’ll be your server….

  4. kmslat

    holy crap!I almost spit out my drink. Rhoob, that is hysterical!

  5. bob

    We love you RHOOB!!!!

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