Chicken Toscana Soup

A few weekends ago, I was invited to participate in a “soup swap”. Living in the ‘burbs, I’m learning that there are far more domestic things going on out here…including “soup swaps”. So I took to twitter and asked for soup recipes because come on, I certainly don’t have any. Within minutes I had 3 ready to go. With the urging of my sister, I chose to go with Chicken Toscana Soup.

toscana chicken soup

Olive Oil
1 cup chopped onion
2-5 cloves garlic, chopped
4 cups chicken broth
3-4 cups cooked chicken (I recommend a store bought rotisserie chicken)
3 Roma tomatoes, chopped
2 mini gnocchi packages
1 1/2 cup half-and-half
2-3 cups skim milk
2-3 cups spinach leaves (torn)
1 cup Parmesan cheese
fresh basil

Cook onion and garlic in olive oil. Add chicken broth. Bring to a boil. Add the gnocchi, cook 2 minutes. Add chicken and tomatoes, simmer. Sprinkle in cheese, simmer for 5-8 minutes. Add cream and milk. Add spinach. Stir together.  Top with basil.

Remove from heat.

From my one attempt, I thought that leaving this soup on a low heat for a while afterwards really thickened this bad boy up. And the flavors just blended incredibly well together.

I hope you enjoy this soup half as much as I did.
Happy Friday!


Filed under kmslat

25 responses to “Chicken Toscana Soup

  1. This soup looks like it turned out amazing! And a beautiful photograph, as always. I hope you have a good weekend. Happy Friday!

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Chicken Toscana Soup | you are what you eat…or reheat --

  3. I am totally *not* a soup person, but this sounds pretty awesome!

    • becki, i promise, this one’s a hearty soup. if you let it hang out over low heat for a while (a long while) it becomes a lot denser. The gnocchi and chicken really step it up a lot.

  4. Katie, that looks so yummy. And it photographed well because I’m asking you to pass me the biggest spoon you got in your house. Nom!

  5. Amy

    Mmmm, gnocchi. AND cream. This soup sounds amazing!

  6. leahsinger

    This looks SO good! I love soup recipes. Thanks! And I love the idea of a soup swap. I need to organize that.

  7. rhoob

    your huzbin ate soup????? this recipe sounds soooo good.

  8. Mmm, I wonder if I could make this vegan – although, it wouldn’t be the same. I love the creamy soups and anything with gnocchi, and if chicken and dairy didn’t do bad things to my innards, I would be alllllll over this soup.

  9. Christina

    I have just a general comment (although the soup does look tasty :)–yesterday at lunch I started craving your spaghetti and meatballs but was worried that since that post was so long ago, I would have to email or call you for it (not that that would have been so bad), BUT I was SO thrilled to see that it was just right there easy as pie listed under the recipes! I made the meatballs last night, they were quick and tasty as always and I have leftovers for tonight! Thanks Katie O!

  10. This sounds so ridiculously good! It looks so rich and creamy. Perfect for a grey day like today!

  11. OMG that looks so freaking good. After being on weight watchers for 5 weeks I dream about being locked in a closet with gnocchi and cheese… but after this post I will just fantasize about this soup. Thanks for nothing! HA HA!!! LALAS (bet you havent heard that since the late 90s)

  12. Hi there!
    I’m new here (first comment), browsing through I just found you. And I’m glad I did because I really enjoy cooking.
    Luckily enough, i happen to have almost all the ingredients for this chicken toscana soup (yay!), so it is very possible i’ll cook it tonight.
    The picture you put up… is the soup you actually made? Looks delicious, i can almost smell it! :))
    I’m gona keep reading through your blog, let’s see what else i can find 😉
    Take care, and keep posting!!

  13. Jeanette Cheezum

    This sounds scrumious. I can’t wait to try it.

  14. Hello, Katie O! Just wanted to pop in and congratulate you on your Food Press feature for your Toscana Soup. I’m just so gosh darn proud of you!
    NanaBread (Jeanne)

  15. This looks really delicious!

  16. leahsinger

    Okay, I made this tonight and it was probably the best soup we’ve had. My husband, daughter and I ate the entire pot. Seriously, we did. I’m quite full now, but damn was it good! Thank you!

  17. Hmm.. Yummy..
    Thanks alot mate, this is a really nice Chicken Soup 🙂 I’m bookmarking this page!!

  18. I need this soup in my life.
    It looks and sounds AMAZING

  19. amy

    Looks amazing! Does it freeze well with the cream and milk??

  20. Tim

    You know what make this soup taste even better. some broth in it.

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