game day in athens

saturday in athens

Yesterday, the husband and I did something we rarely ever do.  We went to a football game…together…in Athens.

Now for those of you who don’t know me, I’m from the South.  The deep South.  I grew up with the University of Alabama in my backyard and went to college at the University of Georgia.  In all of that time, I never saw Alabama play and probably only went to 2 Georgia games.  I’m what some of you might refer to as an anomaly.  What makes everything even more interesting is that the husband lives for football.  And although he has no association to UGA football, aside from his marrying me, he always, always cheers for them, which is totally adorable. 

And, on a side note, the fella has more UGA apparel than I do and I think he secretly likes it that way.

But I digress.

Instead of writing a novel about game day in Athens, how about I just post pictures?  Let’s be honest, you’d rather look at pictures anyway, right?


Yeah, me too.

That’s what you might call the non-professional tailgaters’ tailgate.

Here’s the tailgate truckster. (Seriously, there is nothing like having a truck that comes equipped with 2 built in coolers.)
the tailgate

And here are the professional tailgaters.

Can you spot the difference?

And remember what I was saying about the husband’s Georgia gear?
Oddly enough, these are not a special Georgia design by Nike. Nope, the husband designed these himself. Go figure.

Now just so you can get the feel of the crowd…this was taken right outside of the stadium. Oh, those people in yellow and purple, those are the LSU fans.


georgia football seats

I’m thinking the husband isn’t the only one who loves his Georgia gear…





Did I mention we had 50 yard line seats?
50 yard line

And this little fellow might be the best thing about Georgia Football…
uga 7

With a face like this, how can you not have a great time.

(Even if Georgia did lose…but who’s counting.)


Filed under kmslat

8 responses to “game day in athens

  1. rhooby

    GREAT job with the pics!!!!!

  2. I now have a craving for KFC. Hmmm. I wonder why.

    Love the bull dog.

  3. shutterboo

    We went to a college game this weekend too! And we lost too! Oh my goodness, the similarities are never ending!
    OK, I’m done being a complete loser.

  4. Now I’m homesick for the Holy Land!

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