Cheers to a year that can’t suck nearly as bad as 2009 did.

Or something to that effect.

I for one have never been more excited to leave one year in the dust and embrace another with open arms. 2010 holds great things for all of us…but for me…fingers crossed…a new home. {Let’s all hold hands and say silent prayers that this place doesn’t sit on the market too long…}

And I haven’t made my new year’s resolution(s) yet so I’m going to do it now.
Right here.
On the spot.
Oh lordy.

My 2010 New Year’s Resolutions….and because it’s 2010, I’m going to name 10 of them.
10 resolutions that I most likely will never keep.
Here goes nothing.

1. Eat healthier.
2. Nag less.
3. Walk my dogs more. Lots more.
4. Be less negative.
5. Keep my house clean. As clean as my mom and mother-in-law keep their respective houses clean.
6. Try new recipes.
7. Drink more water.
8. Clean out the litterbox…yeap, just clean out the litterbox.
9. Limit amount of time I waste on this darn computer.
10.Take better pictures.

I’m afraid that #1 is already shot. Guessing that the lunch of rotel and velveeta isn’t going to fall under the “eating healthier” category.

Oh well, there’s always Lent.


Filed under kmslat

3 responses to “Cheers to a year that can’t suck nearly as bad as 2009 did.

  1. rhooby

    my goodness, you’ve listed a whole lotta resolutions. you’re one up on me – i can’t even make them anymore. lent is always better for me than new year’s resolutions. i loooove your new banner. that’s so cool! i can’t stop watching it!

  2. You sound just like me! wahoo! I am not alone, except, I will not change the litter box – cat free house. Let’s toast to a great new year and give no room to SUCKiness! wait, is that even a word?

    • katie o.

      would you like a cat? mine officially hates me as he feels inclined to ruin everything in my house.
      and yes, let’s definitely toast to no room for suckiness! and i’m all for it being a word.

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